Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Journey back to 100 miles

January 30 2018 universal love 30 miles meditative jog,"The one who loves all intensely begins perceiving in all living beings a part of himself.He becomes a lover of all,a part and parcel of the Universal Joy.He flows with the stream of happiness,and is enriched by each soul."
Yajur Veda

Friday, January 26, 2018

Journey back to 100 miles

January 26, 2017 self compassion 30 miles meditative jog“Simplicity, patience, compassion.These three are your greatest treasures.Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.Patient with both friends and enemies,you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself,you reconcile all beings in the world.”
Lao Tzu

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Journey back to 100 miles

January 23, 2018 compassion 30 miles meditative jog,“Everything under heaven is a sacred vessel and cannot be controlled. Trying to control leads to ruin. Trying to grasp, we lose. Allow your life to unfold naturally. Know that it too is a vessel of perfection. Just as you breathe in and breathe out, there is a time for being ahead and a time for being behind; a time for being in motion and a time for being at rest; a time for being vigorous and a time for being exhausted; a time for being safe and a time for being in danger.”
Lao Tzu

Friday, January 19, 2018

journey back to 100 miles

January 19, 2018 self discipline 30 miles meditative jog.“True mastery transcends any particular art. It stems from mastery of oneself--the ability, developed through self-discipline, to be calm, fully aware, and completely in tune with oneself and the surroundings. Then, and only then, can a person know himself.” Bruce Lee

Monday, January 15, 2018

Journey back to 100 miles

January 15 2018 balance 30 miles meditative jog,“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”
Ming-Dao Deng

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Journey back to 100 miles

January 10, 2018 mindfulness 30 miles meditative jog,“Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different; enjoying the pleasant without holding on when it changes (which it will); being with the unpleasant without fearing it will always be this way (which it won’t).” James Baraz

Friday, January 5, 2018

Journey back to 100 miles

January 5, 2018 self reformation 30 miles meditative jog,“How aware are we of our own inner life, our spirituality-something so intangible yet so priceless? How much effort do we make to perceive that which is not obvious, which can neither be seen nor heard? I believe the exploration and enrichment of the human spirit is what determines our very humanity. Such enrichment provides an inner compass that can lead civilizations to greatness.”
Daisaku Ikeda

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Journey back to 100 miles

January 3 2018 courage 30 miles meditative jog,“You have the power to change the happiness level in someone’s life and in the process you change your mind-set and the level of your own happiness. Practicing kindness and compassion will change your life, your environment, your outlook on your future, and how you view what has happened in your past.”
Sheila Burke