Wednesday, December 31, 2014


December 31, 2014 life lesson 17 mile meditative run,”If you live long enough, you will make mistakes. However, if you learn from them, you will be a better person. It is how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.”

William J. Clinton

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


December 30, 2014 practicing life balance 18-mile meditative run,There is a fine balance between honoring the past and losing yourself in it. For example, you can acknowledge and learn from mistakes you made, and then move on and refocus on the now. It is called forgiving your-self.”

Eckhart Tolle

Monday, December 29, 2014


December 29, 2014 Mindful eating 18-mile meditative run,“Mindful eating is not a diet. There are no menus or recipes. It is being more aware of your eating habits, the sensations you experience when you eat, and the thoughts and emotions that you have about food. It is more about how you eat than what you eat.”

Susan Albers


December 29, 2014 Mindful eating 18-mile meditative run,“Mindful eating is not a diet. There are no menus or recipes. It is being more aware of your eating habits, the sensations you experience when you eat, and the thoughts and emotions that you have about food. It is more about how you eat than what you eat.”

Susan Albers

Sunday, December 28, 2014


December 28, 2014 respecting others 27 mile meditative runs,“Respect begins with this attitude: "I acknowledge that you are a creature of extreme worth. God has endowed you with certain abilities and emotions. Therefore, I respect you as a person. I will not desecrate your worth by making critical remarks about your intellect, your judgment, or your logic. I will seek to understand you and grant you the freedom to think differently from the way I think and to experience emotions that I may not experience." Respect means that you give the other person the freedom to be an individual.”
Gary Chapman

Saturday, December 27, 2014


December 27, 2014 hope 27 mile meditative run,”Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”


Friday, December 26, 2014


December 26, 2014 self-confident 17 mile meditative run,“When you adopt the viewpoint that there is nothing that exists that is not part of you, that there is no one who exists who is not part of you, that any judgment you make is self-judgment, that any criticism you level is self-criticism, you will wisely extend to yourself an unconditional love that will be the light of the world.”
Harry Palmer

Thursday, December 25, 2014


December 25, 2014 positive affirmation 18 miles meditative run,“This Christmas may you courageously venture - toward each new and unfolding horizon.”

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


December 24, 2014 mental discipline 17-mile meditative run,"Self-discipline is a form of freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from the expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear—and doubt. Self-discipline allows a pitcher to feel his individuality, his inner strength, his talent. He is master of, rather than a slave to, his thoughts and emotions."
H.A. Dorfman

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


December 23, 2014 act of kindness 17-mile meditative run,“To be rich in admiration and free from envy, to rejoice greatly in the good of others, to love with such generosity of heart that your love is still a dear possession in absence or unkindness - these are the gifts which money cannot buy.”

Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, December 22, 2014


December 22, 2014 the power within 17-mile meditative run,“All power is within you; you can do anything and everything. Believe in that, do not believe that you are weak; do not believe that you are half-crazy lunatics, as most of us do nowadays. You can do anything and everything, without even the guidance of any one. Stand up and express the divinity within you.”

 Swami Vivekananda

Sunday, December 21, 2014


December 21, 2014 positive 27 mile meditative run,”Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.”

Henri Nouwen

Saturday, December 20, 2014


December 20, 2014 one with higher self-28 mile meditative run,”You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You do not have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success - none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here.”

Ram Dass

Friday, December 19, 2014


December 19, 2014 being yourself 18 mile meditative run,“If you believe in peace, act peacefully; if you believe in love, acting lovingly; if you believe every which way, then act every which way, that's perfectly valid - but don't go out trying to sell your beliefs to the system. You end up contradicting what you profess to believe in, and you set a bum example. If you want to change the world, change yourself.”
Tom Robbins

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: December 18, 2014 determination 20-mile meditative run,“Love springs from the inside. It is the immortal surge of passion, excitement, ener...


December 18, 2014 determination 20-mile meditative run,“Love springs from the inside. It is the immortal surge of passion, excitement, energy, power, strength, prosperity, recognition, respect, desire, determination, enthusiasm, confidence, courage, and vitality, that nourishes, extends and protects. It possesses an external objective - life.” 

 Ogwo David Emenike

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


December 17, 2014 being the moment 17-mile meditative runs,“Frequently avoidance of the present leads to idealization of the future... When an event does not live up to your expectations, you can get out of the depression by idealizing again. Do not let this vicious circle become your life-style. Interrupt it now with some strategic present-moment fulfillment.”
Wayne W. Dyer

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


December 16, 2014 power of the mind 17 mile meditative run,”Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives.”

Sidney Madwed

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: December 15, 2014 letting go of fear 17-mile meditative run, “ Obstacles are like wild animals. They are cowards but they will bluff you if...


December 15, 2014 letting go of fear 17-mile meditative run,Obstacles are like wild animals. They are cowards but they will bluff you if they can. If they see you are afraid of them… they are liable to spring upon you; but if you look them squarely in the eye, they will slink out of sight.”

Orison Swett Marden

Sunday, December 14, 2014


December 14, 2014 self-love 27-mile meditative run,“Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth.”
Iyanla Vanzant

Saturday, December 13, 2014


December 13, 2014 the powers within us all 28 mile meditative run,”The first peace that is the most important is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers. And when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”

Black Elk, Oglala Sioux

Friday, December 12, 2014


December 12, 2014 silent 17-mile meditative run,“Have you ever heard the wonderful silence just before the dawn? Alternatively, the quiet and calm just as a storm ends. Or perhaps you know the silence when you haven't the answer to a question you've been asked, or the hush of a country road at night, or the expectant pause of a room full of people when someone is just about to speak, or, most beautiful of all, the moment after the door closes and you're alone in the whole house? Each one is different, you know, and all very beautiful if you listen carefully.”
 Norton Juster

Thursday, December 11, 2014


December 11, 2014 essence of life 17 mile meditative run,“Pause for a moment and open all your senses. Listen to the birds’ sing, the wind rustling the leaves and breathe in the silence. You are surrounded by the essence of life.”

Anna Donovan

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


December 10, 2014 letting go 17 mile meditative run,”Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.”

Henri Nouwen

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


December 9, self-trust 17 mile meditative run,”Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, 'This is the real me,' and when you have found that attitude, follow it.”

James Truslow Adams

Monday, December 8, 2014


December 8, 2014 inner silence 17 mile meditative run,”Silence is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence.”
Deepak Chopra

Sunday, December 7, 2014


December 7, 2014 life is understanding 34-mile meditative run,Look out into the universe and contemplate the glory of God. Observe the stars, millions of them, twinkling in the night sky, all with a message of unity, part of the very nature of God.”

Sai Baba

Saturday, December 6, 2014


December 6, 2014 self-love 27 mile meditative run,“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
Paulo Coelho

Friday, December 5, 2014


December 5, 2014 self-honesty 18-mile meditative run,“Get to know yourself better and examine what you really want from life. Be true to yourself; be clear and honest with yourself about what you truly want.”
Auliq Ice

Thursday, December 4, 2014


December 4, 2014 understanding the power of being patience 18 mile meditative run,”Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.”

Joseph Addison

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


December 3, 2014 letting go of anger 17-mile meditative run,“Let today be the day you stop being haunted by the ghost of yesterday. Holding a grudge & harboring anger/resentment is poison to the soul. Get even with people...but not those who have hurt us forget them, instead get even with those who have helped us.”
Steve Maraboli

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


December 2, 2014 just breathe 18-mile meditative run,“We live in an ocean of air like fish in a body of water. By our breathing, we attuned to our atmosphere. If we inhibit our breathing, we isolate ourselves from the medium in which we exist. In all Oriental and mystic philosophies, the breath holds the secret to the highest bliss.”

Alexander Lowen

Monday, December 1, 2014


December 1, 2014 serving others 17 mile meditative run,“Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same -- with charity you give love, so don't just give money, but reach out your hand instead.”
Mother Teresa

Sunday, November 30, 2014


November 30, 2014 inner strength 26-mile meditative run,“believe that you're great, that there's something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life, regardless of how young or how old you think you might be, the moment you begin to think properly, there's something that is within you, there's power within you, that's greater than the world. It will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you. It will clothe you. It will guide you, protect you, direct you, and sustain your very existence, if you let it. Now, that is what I know for sure.” 

Michael Beckwith

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: November 29, 2014 who am I? 27 mile meditative run,”When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have...


November 29, 2014 who am I? 27 mile meditative run,”When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.”

David Icke

Friday, November 28, 2014


November 28, 2014 not being afraid to breathe from within 17-mile meditative run,“Become the leader of your life. Lead yourself to where you want to be. Breathe life back into your ambitions, your desires, your goals, your relationships.” 

 Steve Maraboli

Thursday, November 27, 2014


November 27, 2014 happy thanksgiving 20 mile meditative run,“A little "thank you" that you will say to someone for a "little favor" shown to you is a key to unlock the doors that hide unseen "greater favors.” Learn to say "thank you" and why not?”
Israelmore Ayivor

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


November 26, 2014 gratitude 17-mile meditative run,“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.”
Maya Angelou

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


November 25, 2014 feeling strong and confident 18 miles meditative run,”seek self-realization clarity and understanding not people. Be an example. Attract them. Work hard and be yourself. The people who belong in your life will come find you and stay no matter the situation.”

Ade Olude

Monday, November 24, 2014


November 24, 2014 inner strength 17 mile meditative run,”Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power.”

Benjamin Disraeli

Sunday, November 23, 2014


November 23, 2014 thank you for all the birthday wishes 28-mile meditative run,“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order; confusion into clarity…Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

 Melodie Beattie

Saturday, November 22, 2014


November 22, 2014 gratitude 30-mile meditative run,Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously, and because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, November 21, 2014


November 21, 2014 inner concentration 18 mile meditative run,”Love is the force that transforms and improves the Soul of the World. It is we who nourish the Soul of the World, and the world we live in will be either better or worse, depending on whether we become better or worse. In addition, that is where the power of love comes in. Because when we love, we always strive to become better than we are.”
Paulo Coelho

Thursday, November 20, 2014


November 20, 2014 letting go of fear 18 mile meditative run,”Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future. If we can acknowledge our fear, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today, we are still alive, and our bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes can still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of our loved ones.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


November 19, 2014 teach me how to operate from love and wisdom 17-mile meditative run,“Guard well within you that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.”
George Sand

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


November 18, 2014 when the time is right 20 mile meditative run,”Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance  it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Monday, November 17, 2014


November 17, 2014 Atlanta rainy day patient 17 miles run,”Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”
Saint Francis de Sales

Sunday, November 16, 2014


November 16, 2014 letting go of fear 28 mile meditative run,”Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
Pope John XXIII

Saturday, November 15, 2014


November 15, 2014 having a good attitude 32-mile meditative run,Joy is an attitude; it is the presence of love - for self and others. It comes from a feeling of inner peace, the ability to give and receive, and appreciation of the self and others. It is a state of gratitude and compassion, a feeling of connection to your higher self.”
Sanaya Roman

Friday, November 14, 2014


November 14, 2014 feeling like Bruce Lee 18 mile meditative run,“If you always put limit on everything you do physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.”  

 Bruce Lee

Thursday, November 13, 2014


November 13, 2014 live your own life 20-mile meditative run"We don't always know what makes us happy." "We know, instead, what we think SHOULD. We are baffled and confused when our attempts at happiness fail...We are mute when it comes to naming accurately our own preferences, delights, gifts, talents. The voice of our original self often muffled, overwhelmed, even strangled, by the voices of other people's expectations. The tongue of the original self is the language of the heart."

Julie Cameron

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: November 12, 2014 self-love 20 mile meditative run,”Wouldn't it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself so deeply that you would ...


November 12, 2014 self-love 20 mile meditative run,”Wouldn't it be powerful if you fell in love with yourself so deeply that you would do just about anything if you knew it would make you happy? This is precisely how much life loves you and wants you to nurture yourself. The deeper you love yourself, the more the universe will affirm your worth. Then you can enjoy a lifelong love affair that brings you the richest fulfillment from inside out.”

 ~Alan Cohen

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


November 11, 2014 in love with my higher self-21 mile meditative run,”Your kindness and love for your fellow souls will bring more Light to Earth. As we see you all the sight is most wonderful, as in such a short time you have created a great blaze of Light that is for all to see in the Universe. You have truly risen to the occasion and in some ways far more than was anticipated and you are a credit to the Human Race.”

Mike Quinsey

Monday, November 10, 2014


November 10, 2014 gratitude 17 mile meditative run,”Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

Zig Ziglar

Sunday, November 9, 2014


November 9, 2014 compassion 28 mile meditative run,”My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Maya Angelou

Saturday, November 8, 2014


November 8, 2014 gratitude 22 mile meditative run,”Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”
Melody Beattie

Friday, November 7, 2014


November 7, 2014 17-mile meditative run and thoughts to everyone running the Savannah Rock 'n' Roll Marathon & Half Marathon, from Atlanta and other cites this weekend,“on that day your higher self is running beside you, and living in your heartbeat; that day you will have strength every step of the way. As the cold and warm surround you, while the wind push you, that moment Gods love is all around you. As the sun, warms you, the rain will cleanse you with love, while being touched by your family and friends. During the challenge, I want you to know that I love you, and you have inspired me to be a better person. Above all thank God for making your stride possible to accomplish your running goal congratulations on your journey”

Ade Olude

Thursday, November 6, 2014


November 6, 2014 inner strength 17-mile meditative run,“We may get knocked down on the outside, but the key to living in victory is to learn how to get up on the inside.”
Joel Osteen

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


November 5, 2014 anything is possible 17 mile meditative run,“Never say that you can't do something, or that something seems impossible, or that something can't be done, no matter how discouraging or harrowing it may be; human beings are limited only by what we allow ourselves to be limited by: our own minds. We are each the masters of our own reality; when we become self-aware to this: absolutely anything in the world is possible.”
Mike Norton

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


November 4, 2014 focus 17-mile meditative run,“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.” 

 T.F. Hodge

Monday, November 3, 2014


November 3, 2014 looking within 17 mile meditative runs,For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”

Audrey Hepburn

Sunday, November 2, 2014


November 2, 2014 letting go 30-mile meditative runs,“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”
Steve Maraboli

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: November 1, 2014 Atlanta cold windy day 35 mile meditative run,“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it se...


November 1, 2014 Atlanta cold windy day 35 mile meditative run,“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.“

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Friday, October 31, 2014


October 31, 2014 patient 18-mile meditative run,”The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.“So remember: great achievements take time, there is no overnight success.

 Leo Tolstoy

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 30, 2014 just letting be 17-mile meditative run, “ I know why I am here and my only real focused goal is to live each day to the fu...


October 30, 2014 just letting be 17-mile meditative run,I know why I am here and my only real focused goal is to live each day to the fullest and to try and honor Divinity and be an encouragement to others. What the future holds is firmly in Divinity involvements, and I am very happy about that!”

Ken Hensley

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


October 29, 2014 reality 16 mile meditative runs,”The first step toward finding Supernatural being, who is Truth, is to discover the truth about myself: and if I have been in error, this first step to truth is the discovery of my error.”

Thomas Merton

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


October 28, 2014 hope and inner strength is what I felt while conversing with the kind hearted from Black Girls Run Of Atlanta, this morning 17 mile meditative run,”After our conversation this is how I felt throughout the run,“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith, and hope.”
Thomas Merton

Monday, October 27, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 27, 2014 inner voice 16 mile meditative run,” Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitall...


October 27, 2014 inner voice 16 mile meditative run,”Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, 'This is the real me,' and when you have found that attitude, follow it.”

James Truslow Adams

Sunday, October 26, 2014


October 26, 2014 patient 34 mile meditative run,”Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.”


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 25, 2014 inner beauty 38 mile meditative run,”Consider a tree for a moment. As beautiful as trees are to look at, we do not see wha...


October 25, 2014 inner beauty 38 mile meditative run,”Consider a tree for a moment. As beautiful as trees are to look at, we do not see what goes on underground - as they grow roots. Trees must develop deep roots in order to grow strong and produce their beauty. However, we do not see the roots. We just see and enjoy the beauty. In much the same way, what goes on inside of us is like the roots of a tree.
Joyce Meyer

Friday, October 24, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 24, 2014 life’s understanding 18 mile meditative run,”Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinite...


October 24, 2014 life’s understanding 18 mile meditative run,”Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.”

Isak Dinesen

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 23, 2014 self-discovery in the making 20-mile meditative run,“The benefit of personal growth and self-discovery is that we become b...


October 23, 2014 self-discovery in the making 20-mile meditative run,“The benefit of personal growth and self-discovery is that we become better human beings with the strength to endure and carry on, and then we may experience something magical when we begin to reach out to others. We discover a feeling that is so rewarding and fulfilling: that fact that we can make a difference. Here is to your willingness to begin with making a difference with yourself!”
Michael James 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 22, 2014 acceptance 20 mile meditative run, “ Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find you are here and now intolerable and ...


October 22, 2014 acceptance 20 mile meditative run,Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find you are here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally. If you want to take responsibility for your life, you must choose one of those three options, and you must choose now. Then accept the consequences.”

Eckhart Tolle

Monday, October 20, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 20, 2014 inner truth 18 mile meditative run,”Some things in my life are uncertain at present, but faith, running, meditation, readi...


October 20, 2014 inner truth 18 mile meditative run,”Some things in my life are uncertain at present, but faith, running, meditation, reading, eating in moderation and practicing yoga  allows me to live a life of positivity and patience.”
Ade Olude

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 19, 2014 life’s understanding 38 mile meditative run,“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and wil...


October 19, 2014 life’s understanding 38 mile meditative run,“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.”
Paulo Coelho

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 18, 2014 inner strength 36 mile meditative run“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as th...


October 18, 2014 inner strength 36 mile meditative run“When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.“

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 17, 2014 Ecclesiastes 9:11 18 mile meditative run,”I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner does not always...


October 17, 2014 Ecclesiastes 9:11 18 mile meditative run,”I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner does not always win the race, and the strongest warrior does not always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. In addition, those who are educated do not always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time.”

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 16, 2014 you have what it takes 17-mile meditative run,“Do not dilute the truth of your potential. We often convince ourselves that...


October 16, 2014 you have what it takes 17-mile meditative run,“Do not dilute the truth of your potential. We often convince ourselves that we cannot change, that we cannot overcome the circumstances of our lives, this are simply not true. You have within you immeasurable power to make positive changes in your life. But you can't just wish it, you can't just hope it, you can't just want it... you have to LIVE it, BE it, DO it.”
Steve Maraboli

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 15, 2014 gratitude 17 mile meditative run,”Gratitude based on a faith that everything that happens or does not happen in your life ...


October 15, 2014 gratitude 17 mile meditative run,”Gratitude based on a faith that everything that happens or does not happen in your life is for your own best interests, that we live in a purposeful universe. Life is always for you; it is never against you. It is a fact that blessings sometimes come wrapped in fear, pain, and tears. In choosing to practice unconditional gratitude you are choosing to trust the process, to honor your feelings and to place your faith in an outcome of inevitable grace.” 

William Holden, 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 14, 2014 beautiful rainy Atlanta day 17 mile meditative run”One of the best guides to how to be self-loving is to give ourselves th...


October 14, 2014 beautiful rainy Atlanta day 17 mile meditative run”One of the best guides to how to be self-loving is to give ourselves the love we are often dreaming about receiving from others. There was a time when I felt lousy about my over-forty financial situation, saw myself as being poor, too this, or too that. Yet I fantasized about finding a lover who would give me the gift of loved as I am. It is silly, that I would dream of someone else to offer me affirmation and the acceptance I was withholding from myself. This was a moment when the maxim "You can never love anybody if you are unable to love yourself" made clear sense. In addition, I add, "Do not expect to receive the love from someone else you do not give yourself.”
Bell Hooks

Monday, October 13, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 13, 2014 understanding life 18-mile meditative run,“Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a f...


October 13, 2014 understanding life 18-mile meditative run,“Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and a forgiving heart one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.” 

 Marvin J. Ashton

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 12, 2014 determination 32 mile meditative run,"What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes av...


October 12, 2014 determination 32 mile meditative run,"What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when one is in that state of mind in which they know exactly what they want and is fully determined not to quit until they find it." 
Alexander Graham Bell 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 11, 2014 high self-versus lower self-energy 36 mile meditative run“love in the Essen in primary and morality is within us all. Howe...


October 11, 2014 high self-versus lower self-energy 36 mile meditative run“love in the Essen in primary and morality is within us all. However, for one to understand the energy of love and higher self-one must view others neither with lower energy nor of an egoistic endeavor. In practicing lower energy within self, with others we feel superior and hatred. In our higher self in others, we see a reflection of self, which is love in the making, talent, miracle abundance of life at its best, which in self-awareness is attainable. In all higher energy forgives the past, understands others regardless of their race, country of birth, religion and believe system no matter how sinful or not so make sense to our thought process. Above all like the cells in our body we are all one and inter connected, practice high energy with love inspire self and others”

Ade Olude

Friday, October 10, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 10, 2014 uplifting 30-mile meditative run,“Today is a new day. Do not let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be th...


October 10, 2014 uplifting 30-mile meditative run,“Today is a new day. Do not let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!”
Steve Maraboli

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 9, 2014 understanding life 17-mile meditative run,“God is life. God is life in action. The best way to say, "I love you, God,&...


October 9, 2014 understanding life 17-mile meditative run,“God is life. God is life in action. The best way to say, "I love you, God," is to live your life doing your best. The best way to say, "Thank you, God," is by letting go of the past and living in the present moment, right here and now. Whatever life takes away from you let it go. When you surrender and let go of the past, you allow yourself to be fully alive in the moment. Letting go of the past means you can enjoy the dream that is happening right now.”
Miguel Ruiz

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 8, 2014 attitude 17 mile meditative run,“Attitude is little thing that makes a big difference” said Winston Churchill. When we have...


October 8, 2014 attitude 17 mile meditative run,“Attitude is little thing that makes a big difference” said Winston Churchill. When we have a difference of opinion with others and get into a conflict, it either leads to having a positive or negative effect on the relationship. Your positive attitude gives a positive result whereas the negative, gives a negative result. A positive attitude gives the confidence of achieving anything and removes the doubt and lethargy. When you ask how rather than whether this is possible, it is positive attitude. Evidently, a positive attitude towards life determines the life’s attitude towards us. This small attitude makes all the difference in life. A positive attitude has the capacity to create miracles and can cure diseases even the wonder drugs cannot. Enhance your self-confidence and self-determination, while at it spread them to others too.” 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 7, 2014 inner self 17 mile meditative run,”Every day we slaughter our finest impulses. That is why we get heartache when we read th...


October 7, 2014 inner self 17 mile meditative run,”Every day we slaughter our finest impulses. That is why we get heartache when we read those lines written by the hand of a master and recognize them as our own, as the tender shoots, which we stifled because we lacked the faith to believe in our own powers, our own criterion of truth and beauty. When we get quiet, when we become desperately honest with ourselves, we are capable of uttering profound truths. We all derive from the same source. There is no mystery about the origin of things. We are all part of creation, all kings and queens, all poets, all musicians; we have only to open up, to discover what is already there.”

Henry Miller

Monday, October 6, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 6, 2014 getting back up 17-mile meditative run,“There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who cr...


October 6, 2014 getting back up 17-mile meditative run,“There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who do not. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of LIFE…Getting back up is LIVING.”

Reposting by Ade Olude

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 5, 2014 gratitude 34 mile meditative run,”Gratitude creates the most wonderful feeling. It can resolve disputes. It can strengthen ...


October 5, 2014 gratitude 34 mile meditative run,”Gratitude creates the most wonderful feeling. It can resolve disputes. It can strengthen friendships. And it makes us better men and women.”
Gordon B. Hinckley 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 4, 2014 thanks’ to my creator 48 mile meditative run,”In my deepest, darkest moments; what really got me through was a prayer. Some...


October 4, 2014 thanks’ to my creator 48 mile meditative run,”In my deepest, darkest moments; what really got me through was a prayer. Sometimes my prayer was 'Help me.' Sometimes a prayer was 'Thank you.' What I've discovered is that intimate connection and communication with my creator will always get me through because I know my support, my help, is just a prayer away.”

Iyanla Vanzant

Friday, October 3, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 3, 2014 controlled emotion 18-mile meditative run,“Laugh, even when you feel too sick or too worn out or tired. Smile, even when yo...


October 3, 2014 controlled emotion 18-mile meditative run,“Laugh, even when you feel too sick or too worn out or tired. Smile, even when you are trying not to cry and the tears are blurring your vision.Sing, even when people stare at you and tell you your voice is crappy. Trust, even when your heart begs you not to. Twirl, even when your mind makes no sense of what you see. Frolicked, even when made fun of. Kiss, even when others are watching. Sleep, even when you are afraid of what the dreams might bring. Run, even when it feels like you cannot run any more. In addition, always, remember, even when the memories pinch your heart. Because the pain of all your experience is what makes you the person you are now. In addition, without your experience---you are an empty page, a blank notebook, a missing lyric. What makes you brave is your willingness to live through your terrible life and hold your head up high the next day. So do not live life in fear. Because you are stronger now, after all the crap has happened, than you ever were back before it started.”
 Alysha Speer

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 2, 2014 destiny 16 mile meditative run,”The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. Yo...


October 2, 2014 destiny 16 mile meditative run,”The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.”

Albert Ellis

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: October 1, 2014 determination 17-mile meditative runs“I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense of determination, this sen...


October 1, 2014 determination 17-mile meditative runs“I ran and ran and ran every day, and I acquired this sense of determination, this sense of spirit that I would never, never give up, and no matter what else happened.”

Wilma Rudolph

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 30, 2014 being humble 20-mile meditative run, “ I think everybody has ups and downs in their lives. We learn from the biggest dis...


September 30, 2014 being humble 20-mile meditative run,I think everybody has ups and downs in their lives. We learn from the biggest disappointments, right. You learn how to be humble to yourself and to be humble to others.”

Carolina Kostne

Monday, September 29, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 29, 2014 life at its best 16 mile meditative run “Humor can make a serious difference. In the workplace, at home, in all areas of...


September 29, 2014 life at its best 16 mile meditative run“Humor can make a serious difference. In the workplace, at home, in all areas of life – looking for a reason to laugh is necessary. A sense of humor helps us to get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times, and manage the scary times.” 

Steve Goodier

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 28, 2014 faith 26-mile meditative run,  "T he keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look...


September 28, 2014 faith 26-mile meditative run, "The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen."
Ralph Marston

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 27, 2014 self-realization 44 mile meditative run,”People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the se...


September 27, 2014 self-realization 44 mile meditative run,”People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.”

 Thomas Szasz,

Friday, September 26, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 26, 2014 stating focus 15 mile,"Too often in life, we focus on the things we cannot do. Sometimes we cannot do things becaus...


September 26, 2014 stating focus 15 mile,"Too often in life, we focus on the things we cannot do. Sometimes we cannot do things because of financial limitations, health limitations, family limitations, educational limitations, and so on. Sometimes, we end up limiting ourselves from achieving success in reaching our goals." 

Catherine Pulsifer

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 25, 2014 love 21 mile meditative run,”Love is a force more formidable than any other is. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or m...


September 25, 2014 love 21 mile meditative run,”Love is a force more formidable than any other is. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.”
Barbara de Angelis

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 24, 2014 just 17 mile meditative run,“Tomorrow has not invited you yet, so LIVE for today! Tomorrow is near, yet so far away. Cho...


September 24, 2014 just 17 mile meditative run,“Tomorrow has not invited you yet, so LIVE for today! Tomorrow is near, yet so far away. Choose this day to smile, laugh, love unconditionally, and be happy within.”
Stephanie Lahart

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 23, 2014 self-honesty 18-mile meditative runs“Beyond all, don't lie to you. One who lies to themselves and listens to their o...


September 23, 2014 self-honesty 18-mile meditative runs“Beyond all, don't lie to you. One who lies to themselves and listens to their own lie comes to a point that they cannot distinguish the truth within themselves, or around themselves, and so loses all respect for self and for others. And having no respect terminates love for self and others.”
Ade Olude

Monday, September 22, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 22, 2014 realization 15-mile meditative run,“Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fe...


September 22, 2014 realization 15-mile meditative run,“Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.”
Chantal Sutherland

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Thinking on the run: September 21, 2014 an easy 28 mile meditative run,...

Thinking on the run: September 21, 2014 an easy 28 mile meditative run,...: September 21, 2014 an easy 28 mile meditative run,” Faith is the trust we place on others or things without giving a thought of doubt. Fai...
September 21, 2014 an easy 28 mile meditative run,” Faith is the trust we place on others or things without giving a thought of doubt. Faith has the power to go to any extent; it gives immense self-confidence and courage when you place utmost faith in your action. Faith gives you hope. “Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother “said Kahlil Gibran. Faith sees no reason or season.
It is belying when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. Interestingly faith is the easiest way and the safest course that anyone can take. When all hopes have faded and life appears to be gloomy, we tend to place faith on the Omani present almighty. This gives a feel of lightness, hope and the best and easiest way to get rid of our problems. Faith is blind, faith is secure, faith gives courage, and faith gives self-confidence. “

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 20, 2014 hope 45-mile meditative run,“Don't lose hope. If your hope gets lost, the other side called "failure" begi...


September 20, 2014 hope 45-mile meditative run,“Don't lose hope. If your hope gets lost, the other side called "failure" begins to win! The quickest medicine to heal a depressed soul is to command; "arise my soul and praise the Lord.” Hope is the clothe piece in which wraps a healthy soul!”
Israelmore Ayivor

Friday, September 19, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 19, 2014 humble 18-mile meditative run,“The willingness to forgive is a sign of spiritual and emotional maturity, it is one of th...


September 19, 2014 humble 18-mile meditative run,“The willingness to forgive is a sign of spiritual and emotional maturity, it is one of the great virtues to which we all should aspire. Imagine a world filled with individuals willing both to apologize and to accept an apology. Is there any problem that could not be solved among people who possessed the humility and largeness of spirit and soul to do either -- or both -- when needed?”
Gordon B. Hinckley

Thursday, September 18, 2014


September 18, 2014 understanding ego“God had brought me to my knees. In addition, made me acknowledge my own nothingness, and out of that knowledge I had been reborn. I was no longer the center of my life and therefore I could see God in everything.”
Bede Griffiths

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 17, 2014 compassion 18-mile meditative run,“I see self not as a runner, but one that is trance in love with the motion of gravity...


September 17, 2014 compassion 18-mile meditative run,“I see self not as a runner, but one that is trance in love with the motion of gravity that can be felt, yet invisible to the human eye. On like object love which can be seen, and felt via material and touch. Trance love is our Essen, which sometimes can seem weak, but yet extremely powerful. That is who we are LOVE in the invisible form, we just have to seek it diligently from within. Like water inside of a bottle open the cover of love and let it do what it does best create peace and harmony.”
Ade Olude

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 16, 2014 always, do your best 20-mile meditative run, Always Do Your Best.”Your best is going to change from moment to moment; i...


September 16, 2014 always, do your best 20-mile meditative run, Always Do Your Best.”Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret?”
Miguel Angel Ruiz

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 15, 2014 it is possible 18-mile meditative run,“If something is difficult for you to accomplish, do not then think it impossible ...


September 15, 2014 it is possible 18-mile meditative run,“If something is difficult for you to accomplish, do not then think it impossible for any human being; rather, if it is humanly possible and corresponds to human nature, know that it is attainable by you as well.”
Marcus Aurelius 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 14, 2014 you are special 36 mile meditative run,”Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there were not any...


September 14, 2014 you are special 36 mile meditative run,”Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there were not any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you would not be here in the first place. In addition, never forget, no matter how overwhelming life's challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person.”

R. Buckminster Fuller

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 13, 2014 50 mile meditative determination run,“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a fun...


September 13, 2014 50 mile meditative determination run,“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” 

 Anthony Robbins

Friday, September 12, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 12, 2014 gravity 17-mile meditative run,“Today expects something good to happen to you no matter what occurred yesterday. Realize...


September 12, 2014 gravity 17-mile meditative run,“Today expects something good to happen to you no matter what occurred yesterday. Realize the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let the past go. A simply abundant world waits.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 11, 2014 17 mile meditative thought,“The time is now, instead of us seeing the different with one another. How about what makes u...


September 11, 2014 17 mile meditative thought,“The time is now, instead of us seeing the different with one another. How about what makes us all special, what makes us one, as I look up the sky sometimes it gets cloudy, sunny then turns blue while the star and the moon appeared, when they suppose too. While in trance stage of my gravity movement this is how it appeared. So today smile, think of the living and the one that is not, it’s all universal love”

Ade Olude

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 10, 2014 helping hand 18-mile meditative run,“There is someone out there who needs just a line or a sentence of your life testimo...


September 10, 2014 helping hand 18-mile meditative run,“There is someone out there who needs just a line or a sentence of your life testimony to believe. He or she can also make it. Keeping your testimony away from them is more of suspending their accomplishments until further notice! Come on! Let's learn from you!” 

 Israelmore Ayivor

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 9, 2014 feeling empty 17 mile meditative run,”Always keep your mind as bright and clear as the vast sky, the great ocean, and the...


September 9, 2014 feeling empty 17 mile meditative run,”Always keep your mind as bright and clear as the vast sky, the great ocean, and the highest peak, empty of all thoughts. Always keep your body filled with light and heat. Fill yourself with the power of wisdom and enlightenment.”

Morihei Ueshiba

Monday, September 8, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 8, 2014 listening 17 mile meditative run,”Encouragement to others is something everyone can give. Somebody needs what you have to...


September 8, 2014 listening 17 mile meditative run,”Encouragement to others is something everyone can give. Somebody needs what you have to give. It may not be your money; it may be your time. It may be your listening ear. It may be your arms to encourage. It may be your smile to uplift. Who knows”?
Joel Osteen

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 7, 2014 hope 34-mile meditative run,“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Par...


September 7, 2014 hope 34-mile meditative run,“I am fundamentally an optimist. Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say. Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward. There were many dark moments, when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair. That way lays defeat and death.”
 Nelson Mandela

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 6, 2014 mindfulness 40 mile meditative run,”Humility does not mean believing oneself to be inferior, but to free from self-import...


September 6, 2014 mindfulness 40 mile meditative run,”Humility does not mean believing oneself to be inferior, but to free from self-importance. It is a state of natural simplicity which is in harmony with our true nature and allows us to taste the freshness of the present moment.”

Matthieu Ricard

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 5, 2014 self-understanding 17-mile meditative run"Let this day be your day of self-understanding. Through which you are abl...


September 5, 2014 self-understanding 17-mile meditative run"Let this day be your day of
self-understanding. Through which you are able to discover more about yourself, than you
ever knew existed. This knowledge is your key to life. So uses it with honor and humility to make your way through life, as you know you should." 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 4, 2013 focus 26-mile meditative run,“We can tap into a part of ourselves – an inner reservoir of knowledge, quite subterranean, ...


September 4, 2013 focus 26-mile meditative run,“We can tap into a part of ourselves – an inner reservoir of knowledge, quite subterranean, suite hidden – that holds all our answers.”
 Marsha Sinetar 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


September 3, 2014 compassion 18 mile meditative run,”You have done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.”
Ralph Marston

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 2, 2014 feelings from within 14 mile meditative run,”Love is a force more formidable than any other is. It is invisible it cannot...


September 2, 2014 feelings from within 14 mile meditative run,”Love is a force more formidable than any other is. It is invisible it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could”.
Barbara de Angelis

Monday, September 1, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: September 1, 2014 mind control 17 mile meditative run,”Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude ...


September 1, 2014 mind control 17 mile meditative run,”Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens”.
Khalil Gibran

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 31, 2014 inner strength 32 mile meditative runs,“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not ...


August 31, 2014 inner strength 32 mile meditative runs,“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness and take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.”
 Kurt Vonnegut

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 30, 2014 Just 45 mile meditative run,“As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery. We have learned that the key to ...


August 30, 2014 Just 45 mile meditative run,“As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery. We have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger and attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion, a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness.”
Dalai Lama 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 29, 2014 universal love 18 mile meditative run,“The wonders of and I are the light! Seek within...there is no one to figh...


August 29, 2014 universal love 18 mile meditative run,“The wonders of and I are the light! Seek within...there is no one to fight…love is all…we are one…concentrate on bringing forth your sight...breathe deep…the universe is waiting for you divine ones.”
Sereda Aleta Dailey

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 28, 2014 life understanding 18 mile meditative run,”Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Sta...


August 28, 2014 life understanding 18 mile meditative run,”Watch your manner of speech if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented, and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.”
Norman Vincent Peale

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 27, 2014 looking from within 16-mile meditative run,“The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves,...


August 27, 2014 looking from within 16-mile meditative run,“The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are, but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them: we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them” 

Thomas Merton

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 26, 2014 being in moment 17 mile meditative run,”Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be...

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 26, 2014 being in moment 17 mile meditative run,”Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be...


August 26, 2014 being in moment 17 mile meditative run,”Always Do Your Best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret?”
Miguel Angel Ruiz

Monday, August 25, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 25, 2014 inner strength 15-mile meditative run,“Self-Empowerment is free to anyone who chooses to use it. It comes from within and n...


August 25, 2014 inner strength 15-mile meditative run,“Self-Empowerment is free to anyone who chooses to use it. It comes from within and nowhere else. You cannot buy it, borrow it, steal it or sell it. It is always available to you and never wears out. The only choice you have to make is whether or not you will use it.”
Gary Hopkins

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 24, 2014 determination 44-mile meditative run,“Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn t...


August 24, 2014 determination 44-mile meditative run,“Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.”

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 23, 2014 humble 45-mile meditative run,“Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that i...


August 23, 2014 humble 45-mile meditative run,“Humility is perfect quietness of heart. It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me. It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised. It is to have a blessed home in the Lord, where I can go in and shut the door, and kneel to my Father in secret, and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and above is trouble.” 

 Andrew Murray

Friday, August 22, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 22, 2014 self-affirmation 17-mile meditative run,“we cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetitio...


August 22, 2014 self-affirmation 17-mile meditative run,“we cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.”

 Florence Scovel Shinn

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 21, 2014 self believe 18-mile meditative run,“Replace the word can’t with can. Know that you can, believe that you can, and know wil...


August 21, 2014 self believe 18-mile meditative run,“Replace the word can’t with can. Know that you can, believe that you can, and know will ALL of your heart that you will. You will succeed in spite of any obstacles that may try to hinder you! There’s so much power in having a positive attitude, positive mindset, and positive outlook.”
Stephanie Lahart

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 20, 2014 self-honesty 18-mile meditative run,“Get to know yourself better and examine what you really want from life. Be true to you...


August 20, 2014 self-honesty 18-mile meditative run,“Get to know yourself better and examine what you really want from life. Be true to yourself; be clear and honest with yourself about what you truly want.”
 Auliq Ice

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 19, 2014 seeking knowledge 18-mile meditative run,”I am hungry for knowledge. The whole thing is to learn every day, to get brighter...


August 19, 2014 seeking knowledge 18-mile meditative run,”I am hungry for knowledge. The whole thing is to learn every day, to get brighter and brighter. That is what this world is about, you look at someone like Gandhi, and he glowed. Martin Luther King glowed. Muhammad Ali glows. I think that is from being bright all the time, and trying to be brighter.”


Monday, August 18, 2014

Thinking on the run: Jus

Thinking on the run: Jus: August 18, 2014 breathing 15-mile meditative run,“Be thankful for a breath of fresh air to be alive and well. Allow love and happiness to p...


August 18, 2014 breathing 15-mile meditative run,“Be thankful for a breath of fresh air to be alive and well. Allow love and happiness to penetrate throughout your mind and soul. Take time to relax and live in the moment, the now, the present. Enjoy today.”
 Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 17, 2014 determination 28 mile meditative run,“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No ap...


August 17, 2014 determination 28 mile meditative run,“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses, Nor one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.”

Bob Moawad 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 16, 2014 an easy 40-mile meditative run,"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, and...


August 16, 2014 an easy 40-mile meditative run,"We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, and the teachers--but never blame yourself. It is never your fault. But it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change you're the one who has got to change."
Katharine Hepburn

Friday, August 15, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 15, 2014 inspiring others 22 mile meditative runs,”As you navigate through the rest of your life, are open to collaboration. Other p...


August 15, 2014 inspiring others 22 mile meditative runs,”As you navigate through the rest of your life, are open to collaboration. Other people and other people's ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”

Amy Poehler

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thinking on the run: Jus

Thinking on the run: Jus: August 14, 2014 mind control 18 mile meditative run,”You have a train of thought on which you ride, when you are alone and quietly thinking...


August 14, 2014 mind control 18 mile meditative run,”You have a train of thought on which you ride, when you are alone and quietly thinking. The self-worth you feel, as well as the happiness your life brings, depends upon the direction in which this train is moving, the baggage it carries and the emotional space through which it travels. Between life’s stimulus and your reaction is where this space exists; within it is your power to choose how you react, and in your reaction lays your growth, freedom, and happiness.”

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 13, 2014 humble 18 mile meditative run,“Pray silently with simplicity every day to stay cool and calm in mind, composed and collecte...


August 13, 2014 humble 18 mile meditative run,“Pray silently with simplicity every day to stay cool and calm in mind, composed and collected in heart; courageous and connected to own soul, to lay the way for a peaceful life.”
Anuj Somany

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 12, 2014 focus 17 mile meditative run,”At your worst point, the quickest way to move through it is to be a contribution as opposed t...


August 12, 2014 focus 17 mile meditative run,”At your worst point, the quickest way to move through it is to be a contribution as opposed to focusing on your problems. If you focus on your problems and keep giving them attention, they are going to grow. If you ignore them and do something else - I don't mean act like they're not here - but do something meaningful, it helps you work through it.”
Iyanla Vanzant

Monday, August 11, 2014


August 11, 2014 be yourself 17 mile meditative run,"Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up, I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain... To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices - today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.”
Kevyn Aucoin

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Thinking on the run: Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Thinking on the run: Just: Thinking on the run: Just : August 9, 2014 letting go 56 mile meditative run,”When you stop trying to grasp, own, and control the world arou...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 9, 2014 letting go 56 mile meditative run,”When you stop trying to grasp, own, and control the world around you, you give it the fre...


August 9, 2014 letting go 56 mile meditative run,”When you stop trying to grasp, own, and control the world around you, you give it the freedom to fulfill you without the power to destroy you. That’s why letting go is so important: letting go is letting happiness in.”

Lori Deschene 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 8, 2014 self-love 16 mile meditative,”Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could ever nurture. Appreciat...


August 8, 2014 self-love 16 mile meditative,”Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others, and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibration match to your Source Energy of anything that we've ever witnessed anywhere in the Universe.”


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 7, 2014 self-confident 20 mile meditative runs,“Before you can live a part of you has to die. You have to let go of what could have ...


August 7, 2014 self-confident 20 mile meditative runs,“Before you can live a part of you has to die. You have to let go of what could have been, how you should have acted and what you wish you would have said differently. You have to accept that you cannot change the past experiences, opinions of others at that moment in time or outcomes from their choices or yours. When you finally recognize that truth then you will understand the true meaning of forgiveness of yourself and others. From this point you will finally be free.”
 Shannon L. Alder

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 6, 2014 universal love 18 mile meditative run,”The Universal Zulu Nation stands to acknowledge wisdom, understanding, freedom, justi...


August 6, 2014 universal love 18 mile meditative run,”The Universal Zulu Nation stands to acknowledge wisdom, understanding, freedom, justice, and equality, peace, unity, love, and having fun, work, overcoming the negative through the positive, science, mathematics, faith, facts, and the wonders of God, whether we call him Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, or Jah.”

Afrika Bambaataa

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 5, 2014 self-love 17-mile meditative run,“Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality...


August 5, 2014 self-love 17-mile meditative run,“Love is the only way to grasp another human being in the innermost core of his personality. No one can become fully aware of the very essence of another human being unless the love themselves. By his love he is enabled to see the essential traits and feature”

 Viktor Frankl

Monday, August 4, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 4, 2014 gratitude 16-mile meditative run,“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to...


August 4, 2014 gratitude 16-mile meditative run,“To educate yourself for the feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action. Nothing   done for you is a matter of course; everything originates in a will for the good, which is directed at you, Train yourself never to put off the word or action for the expression of gratitude.” 
Albert Schweitzer

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 3, 2014 always, remember 30-mile meditative run,“Don't be discouraged if people don't see your vision, your harvest. All the...


August 3, 2014 always, remember 30-mile meditative run,“Don't be discouraged if people don't see your vision, your harvest. All they see from their perspective is that you are watering a whole lot of dirt. They do not SEE what seeds you have been planting with blood, sweat, tears, and lack of sleep. Make sure you do not abandon or neglect it because "they" do not see it. You have to KNOW and believe for yourself. They do not see the roots and what is budding under the dirt, however, it is okay, because it is not meant for them to see it, while you wait, MASTER it. You continue to do YOUR work and have unwavering faith! Remember why you started planting in the first place. Your harvest WILL come!”
Yvonne Pierre

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 2, 2014 self-discipline 40 mile meditative run,”Happiness is dependent on self-discipline. We are the biggest obstacles to our own h...


August 2, 2014 self-discipline 40 mile meditative run,”Happiness is dependent on self-discipline. We are the biggest obstacles to our own happiness. It is much easier to do battle with society and with others than to fight our own nature.”

Dennis Prager

Friday, August 1, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: August 1, 2014 self-love 17-mile meditative run,“If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how importan...


August 1, 2014 self-love 17-mile meditative run,“If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”
 Fred Rogers

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: July 31, 2014 focus 17 mile meditative run,”Do not dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on movi...


July 31, 2014 focus 17 mile meditative run,”Do not dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.”

Denis Waitley

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: July 30, 2014 I am 17-mile meditative run,“While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that every...


July 30, 2014 I am 17-mile meditative run,“While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation.”
Maya Angelou

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: July 29, 2014 mindfulness 17-mile meditative run,“We have negative mental habits that come up over and over again. One of the most signific...


July 29, 2014 mindfulness 17-mile meditative run,“We have negative mental habits that come up over and over again. One of the most significant negative habits we should be aware of is that of constantly allowing our mind to run off into the future. Perhaps we got this from our parents. Carried away by our worries, we are unable to live fully and happily in the present. Deep down, we believe we cannot really be happy just yet, that we still have a few more boxes to check before we can really enjoy life. We speculate, dream, strategize, and plan for these "conditions of happiness" we want to have in the future; and we continually chase after that future, even while we sleep. We may have fears about the future because we don't know how it's going to turn out and these worries and anxieties keep us from enjoying being here now.” 

 Thích Nhất Hạnh

Monday, July 28, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: July 28, 2014 mind control 15 mile meditative run,”Truth is I will never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know al...


July 28, 2014 mind control 15 mile meditative run,”Truth is I will never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me. Humans are by nature too complicated to be understood fully, Therefore, we can choose either to approach our fellow human beings with suspicion or to approach them with an open mind, a dash of optimism, and a great deal of candor.”
Tom Hanks

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thinking on the run: Just

Thinking on the run: Just: July 27, 2014 mindfulness 22-mile meditative run,“Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It is not more c...


July 27, 2014 mindfulness 22-mile meditative run,“Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It is not more complicated than that, it is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.”

 Sylvia Boorstein